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Tag Archives: lips

Beauty Review – September Birchbox

It cheered me up no end to come home and find the latest offerings from Birchbox waiting for me in my front porch. I have recently had a bit of a sort through all of my beauty products and I really do think the Birchbox items are some of the best.

This month, you could choose your box design as they had special ‘Birthday Boxes’ to mark Birchbox’s five year anniversary of starting in the States. I wasn’t too fussed about which box I got, but this balloon design is very cool.


A product from Benefit is always a good inclusion for me! This time, it was a mini stick of the POREfessional: License to Blot. I use the primer from this range so will be interested to see if this oil-blotting stick is as good. This claims to mattify shine after application for up to 6 hours. I don’t have very oily skin but on warm days, I could probably use this.

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Next, a ‘Beauty Wash’ from Beauty Protector. This is just a shower gel which smells pleasant enough but definitely isn’t something to get too excited about.


I also received a lemon and sage-scented body butter from Bliss which sounds lovely. I’ve used a face wash from this brand before so look forward to trying one of their bestselling products.


I haven’t heard of John Master Organics before but this bottle of their citrus and neroli detangler looks and smells great. I do suffer from knots and tangles (#curlyhairproblems) so this sounds like it will be great for me.


Whilst on the subject of hair, the ‘Beauty Bonus’ this month was a Birchbrush, their version of the Tangle Teezer. Now, I don’t actually brush my hair so won’t get any use from this but I’m sure I can find a friend to pass this onto.

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Finally, I received a Cheeky Lip Pencil in the shade Humble Brag by the brand Laqa & Co. One of my all-time favourite lip colours is from this brand so I was really pleased to get another product to try out. This pencil is for lips and cheeks, although I can see myself using it predominantly on my lips. It is a creamy, dusky pink when applied and finishes to a creamy matte.

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Not a bad month for Birchbox although when I saw it was a big birthday edition, I did have high hopes for something a bit more special. I think my favourite products are the lip pencil and the detangler but (with the exception of the hairbrush) the rest will definitely be added to my stash! x

Latest Purchases #86 – US Drugstore Haul

I ended up buying quite a bit of make-up and skincare items when we were on holiday so decided to split them into a Sephora Haul (coming next week!) and a kind of high street/ drugstore one. I tried to stick to brands that either aren’t available in the UK or products that I hadn’t seen on the shelves in Boots or Superdrug before. I think I was fairly restrained as I could have added a lot more into my basket!

First of all, not strictly a US purchase but one I used every day on holiday after buying it in Duty Free. This perfume from D&G is my first perfume from the brand and I really like it. I’m rubbish at trying to describe scents but I thought this was fruity and summery and every time I smell it now I think of our holiday.


Next, a few bits I picked up in Bath & Bodyworks. I love this shop and if I wasn’t so worried about our luggage allowance, I would have treated myself to some of their candles too. I always have one of these scented hand sanitizers in my handbag so picked up some new scents – I picked some lovely summery ones but the ‘Napa Valley Sunset’ is my favourite as it is wine-inspired!


Some Essie nail varnish next and I managed to narrow this down to three new shades; Chillato (a pastel pistachio – I blogged about it here), Where’s My Chauffeur (a turquoise-blue) and Golden Nuggets (a gold glitter).


Another nail product from Sally Hansen, the Salon Effects Nail Stickers. I have tried these before and they are really good. They sit on your nails just like nail varnish and I loved this cool geometric pattern.


Some lip balms next and the first one is from from Eos in Coconut Milk. I really like the formulas of these and the little egg shape it comes in!

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I also picked up a Burt’s Bees Rose Tinted Lip Balm. I thought this would be a chunky colour stick but the cardboard packaging was just for show and it’s just a regular little stick. There isn’t much colour pay-off from this but I always find this brand to be good quality so look forward to using this.

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This seemed a fun product next from Chapstick with a double ended, duo-flavoured stick.

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I wanted to try a few things from the brand Milani and read glowing reviews of their baked blushers. I picked up Corallina which is a beautiful rosey coral pink with a gold shimmer running through it. I think it looks beautiful although the lid cracked in my suitcase so I won’t be taking it in on my travels. I noticed a rattling sound when I picked this up and found a little mirror and brush underneath which is quite handy. I have swatched this and it is very glowy so can double up as a highlighter too.

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I also bought two eyeshadows in different formulas. Bella Cappuccino is a satin matte formula in a warm, medium brown with a hint of golden shimmer. I wasn’t sure what ‘satin matte’ would be like (surely it’s one or the other?!) but it’s actually a perfect description for this formula. I wouldn’t say this isn’t hugely pigmented and is slightly on the chalky side but a good ‘base’ colour for me.

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However, Bella Bronze is a different story! This is a metallic eyeshadow in a deep bronze with a beautiful coppery shimmer. The formula of this is so soft and buttery and it blends really well too. Of the two, I would definitely buy from the metallic range again.

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Another brand that we don’t get in the UK but has some real gems is Wet n Wild. I decided to try out one of their mascaras and there was so much choice! I opted for Megaplump and will let you know how I get on.

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I also picked up a blusher in the shade Mellow Wine. It may be a tad on the dark side for me – I will have to apply this with a light touch! This also contained a little brush, although like the Milani one, it doesn’t feel amazing quality.

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People seem to go mad for the Wet n Wild eyeshadow palettes so I picked up a small one named Silent Treatment. It contains three eyeshadows, embossed with ‘browbone’, ‘crease’ and ‘eyelid’ to use all three together – very handy for those less confident with a smoky eye. These are lovely eyeshadows although the darkest shade is a bit glittery so more of a night time look for me.

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I also wanted to try a lip product from this brand and am really into chunky lip pencils at the moment so picked up a Megaslicks Balm Stain in the shade Red-ioactive (I love the name!) This is so pigmented and although it applies with a gloss, after that has faded you are still left with a really strong wash of colour – I like this a lot.


Carrying on with the lip products, NYX is another brand that was on my list to try so I bought one of their butter glosses in the shade Peach Cobbler – maybe it was just for the name?! This is a pretty peachy coral colour sitting somewhere between sheer and opaque and as it is a gloss it gives a very lush finish but is a tad sticky.


Finally, a little trip down memory lane with a good old faithful mascara. I saw this at the till for a couple of dollars so thought why not?! It was only when I opened it that I realised I had picked up the shade Royal Blue. However, coloured mascaras seem to be having a bit of a comeback worn at the tips over black mascara so I shall give that look a go with this mascara.

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Phew – I am so excited to start using these items and seeing which ones will make it into my daily routine! x

Latest Purchases #80 – A Stila Haul

I saw another blogger use some Stila product in a recent post and thought I would hop on over to their website to see what goodies they had to offer. Their current range contains some beautiful items and I have always liked this brand so before I knew it an order was on its way to me!

Here’s what I picked up:


First up a set of their Spring Break lip glazes in the shades Pink Ice, Sheen and Sparkle.  I have a lot of these lip products and they are great for a swipe of colour and gloss. They are slightly on the sticky side when first applied so not great for a windy day with long hair but a lovely set of colours.


Another lip product next – an After Glow Lip Colour in the shade  Tangerine Dream. This is a chunky lip crayon that glows under UV lights. Sadly my clubbing days are a rarity now but I had been after a bright orange lip colour for ages and this is a winner for me! The pigmentation is great and the staying power is pretty good too. It is the perfect red/orange shade for my skin tone and a perfect colour for a summery bold lip.

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A blush and lip duo next. I picked up the Positively Pink set which has a chunk of the proceeds going towards Breast Cancer Awareness, a cause close to my heart. This duo contains a blusher palette in Positively Pink and a lip glaze in the shade Splendor. The blusher is a pretty pink shade and the two lighter waves of shimmer give a lovely glow and can be used as a highlighter or mixed together on a large brush and used as a glowy blusher.

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Finally, my favourite purchase – the Stila Color Outside the Lines eyeliner set. Presented in a cool silver tin, this set contains five waterproof eyeliners in a fabulous range of colours; Stingray (a matte black), Lionfish (a shimmery bronze), Aubergine (a deep purple with a slight shimmer), Navy (a matte grey-blue) and Emerald (an electric, shimmery turquoise).

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The formula of these is amazing – they just don’t budge! The fine, wind-up nib means they stay sharp and don’t need to be sharpened and the smooth formula glides on for a perfect line. I used to wear a lot of bright coloured eyeliners when I was younger (does anyone remember the ‘RU’ range at Superdrug?!) but nowadays tend to stick to a good liquid eyeliner in black. These Stila pencils have really changed my mind about coloured eyeliners and I think they are a great way to add a hint of colour, especially with the turquoise shade!

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Have you tried any Stila products? x

Latest Purchases #75 – A Body Shop Haul

I tend to ignore those ‘sale ends now’ emails that pop up continuously in our inboxes but I always find the Body Shop sales to contain some real gems. I think their most recent offer has finished now but I managed to pick up a few items with about two-thirds off.


First up, a couple of sachets of the Vitamin E Sink In Moisture Mask. I’ve tried quite a few products from the Vitamin E range and my skin seems to really like them! We are staying in a hotel over the weekend for a wedding so this will be lovely to pop in my travel bag for a little pampering.


Most people tend to suffer with dry, chapped lips in the winter months but for me it is a year round battle. I ordered this toffee flavoured lip balm from the Born Lippy range. Weirdly there is a very light brown tint to this but it doesn’t really show up and the lips and it smells divine.


I am a fan of burning scented oils at home and although this is a Christmas fragrance, I really like this little bottle of Frosted Cranberry Fragrance Oil – it was only 60p too!


One of my favourite shower gels next. This Olive scent is gorgeous and very unisex…they just need to redesign the bottle to make it a bit more shower friendly as I often find myself trying to open this with my teeth in the mornings!


The only item I’m still a bit ‘on the fence’ about next. I like the Body Shop’s Body Mists but this Vineyard Peach scent is just a tad too sweet for me.


Surely I can’t be the only person who cannot make a Body Shop order without picking up a couple of Body Butters?! In my opinion, these creams just cannot be beaten for intense hydration and I always seem to have one on the go! I picked up the Vanilla Brulee and Passion Fruit versions and they both smell delicious.


Finally, a product I have been wanting to try for ages – the Camomile Silky Cleansing Oil. Beauty Bloggers rave about this but when skincare guru Caroline Hirons says it’s good then you know you need to try it! I’m a huge fan of these oils that turn to a milky emulsion upon contact with skin and water – I am just hoping it is tough enough to remove all traces of eye makeup in one go.


Although I am trying hard to save for our trip to the States this summer, I managed to buy this entire bag of goodies for just over £20 (with free delivery too!) so I cannot feel too guilty about it.

I am very excited it is Thursday as Ian and I have a fun few days ahead of us. We are meeting in Bath for lunch then catching the train to London this afternoon, having dinner with friends then meeting another set of friends for lunch tomorrow before a German-style ale festival at Alexandra Palace in the evening. Whilst I am now most definitely a country girl, I do love a trip up to London, especially as it means trying new places to eat and seeing some of my favourite people! x

Latest Purchases #70 – More Space.NK

As Britney once said ‘Oops, I did it again’…I was sucked in by the gorgeous website and before I knew it I was leaving delivery instructions with the postman and ripping open another box from Space.NK. I really didn’t need any new products but it’s funny how you can convince yourself you do once you start looking!

First up, some new candles. I’m currently making my way through the last of my Yankee Christmas candles but have got some nice ones lined up now.

This Space.NK Smoky Rose Candle is like a grown-up version of my usual rose scent. It is richer and slightly muskier and this came in a gorgeous, sleek glass. Space.NK’s candles have great reviews in terms of the scent and burning time so I look forward to putting this one to the test.

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Still on the subject of candles, a slightly unusual choice now:

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This slightly larger Parsley and Mint candle is not a traditional candle scent but it is so fresh and uplifting. I bought this to have on our kitchen table to burn when I have cooked something particularly whiffy like kippers! There is something not quite right about a really floral or musky candle scent in the kitchen so this herbal smell will be perfect.

A few items from the Life.NK range now which is kind of like Space.NK’s own brand of beauty products.

A simple daily moisturiser first in a handy travel size. This is a really simple and light face cream which just does what it says on the tin!


A big bottle of shower gel next which has a lovely rose, vanilla and jasmine scent.


Finally, a tube of lip care to help me on my never-ending battle against dry and chapped lips…I am so ready for this cold weather to go away now!


A little bit of luxury next with this huge tub of Sai-Sei Mineral Seaweed Bath Crystals. These smell amazing and will give that luxury spa-like experience to any bathtub. I have been getting the worst aching legs after a run recently so I am hoping a soak in these revitalising bath crystals will help.

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Last up, some more Laura Mercier, which is quickly becoming one of my favourite beauty brands! These Eye Canvas bases are designed to prep your eyelids by creating a perfect base to allow your eye make-up to sit well and last that bit longer. I think the shades I bought are slightly too dark but as long as I am using a bronze/ brown eyeshadow then you really can’t tell. It is one of my biggest bugbears when my eyeshadow creases so I am hoping this is the magic formula to stopping that!

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As a little extra in the box, I also received a few nice samples from Life.NK, Rodial and Eve Lom; a nice touch!


Right, I feel like I need a self-imposed hiatus from the Space.NK website for a little bit as I am meant to be saving for our trip to the States now…Hannah, step away from the laptop! x

Beauty Review – September Birchbox

This month’s Birchbox arrived a few days ago with a ‘Happy Days’ theme. We’re not talking about The Fonz here but rather ways to keep yourself feeling good and for me September is one of those months where I could do with a little treat as us teachers start a new school year and feel the stress levels start to rise after a summer off!


Here was my first peek in the box:


First up these tasty Pineapple pieces from Urban Fruit. My work lunches have been nigh on virtuous lately so these fruity bites should help me keep up the good work.


I had been emailed a few weeks earlier by Birchbox asking me to make my Model Co choice for the box and I chose this lovely lip lacquer in Morocco. This 90s nude shade is huge at the moment thanks to Kylie Jenner et al so I decided to try it. I remember everyone going mad for Rimmel’s Coffee Shimmer and Heather Shimmer lipsticks when I was at school and this reminds me of that but without the naff frosted finish. This lip gloss is a bit sticky but I do like the colour.


Next, a perfectly-timed item as my current hair oil has just run out! I love using hair oils a couple of times a week to keep my tips from getting too dry and this offering from Agave looks like it will do the trick.


I was really happy to get a little pot of Benefit’s It’s Potent eye cream. I love the make-up from this brand but haven’t tried much of their skincare. I have heard positive things about this eye cream so it will be the next one I trial after my current Vichy one is finished.

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I moaned a few months ago about not getting a Beauty Blender egg in my Birchbox when a friend of mine did and it’s like they read my mind and sent me one complete with a handy solid soap to clean it with. I did buy a cheap Primark dupe of this foundation applicator recently but haven’t tested it out yet so I think I will give the original a go this week.

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Next, a little bottle of Korres’ Citrus Body Milk. This smells amazing and I like the shower and body products from Korres. I am going away a couple of times next month so this travel-sized moisturiser will come in handy.


Finally, a little photo clip which can be used to display your favourite Polaroid or postcard. I decided to try it out with my birthday card from my brother!

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Overall, I’m pleased with this month’s offerings. There were a few items that I had run out of which saves me a trip to the shop plus some things I had wanted to try anyway! I think Birchbox met their brief on this box as it definitely made me feel happy!

My Bedtime Beauty Routine

I often wonder how ‘professional’ beauty bloggers manage to give something a really good and honest review when they seem to use about 5 different products on their face morning and night and are constantly trying out different foundations and face masks.

I have a fairly standard evening beauty routine that I have honed over the past year or so, testing out the odd new product here and there and this current one works for me at this time of year when my skin is on the dry side from the constant central heating inside and cold winds outside.


First of all, I tie my hair back (it’s just about long enough!) and use my beloved Liz Earle ‘Cleanse and Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser’ with a soft muslin cloth to remove most of my makeup. There is a reason why this is such a cult product and although it is a bit pricey it’s one that I repurchase as soon as it has run out. Saying that, I have bought another couple of these cleansers to try out soon to see how they compare.


After drying my face I cleanse again using Clinique’s Take The Day Off Cleansing Milk. The reason I don’t use this alone is that I find it stings slightly around the eyes. This may just be me as I have quite sensitive eyes, but it’s a lovely fresh formula on the rest of my face.


Next I tone using B. Pure Micellar Water, a dupe for Bioderma and a fraction of the price too!


I use a serum next. I really like the Vitamin E one from The Body Shop but I have several from recent Birchboxes I am trying to use up and currently apply Matriskin’s Collagen Serum. I love that this comes with a little pipette and I feel like a scientist applying it!

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Despite having put this product on last for years, I then apply an eye cream or gel. Apparently, applying this before the night cream means it is ‘sealed in’ better to work its magic. I am using a festive Frankincense and Orange Blossom Eye Gel from a little shop in Bath and I love how cooling the gel feels at the end of a long day.


Next I moisturise. I am currently finishing off my tub of Rose Co Rose Water which I reviewed here. I love the rose scent it leaves on my skin and it is a great moisturiser.


A bit of lip balm and that it is it for the face. I like these Roll-on lip oils by The Body Shop and have a few different flavours.


I finish off with some Burt’s Bees Cuticle Cream and then a hand and foot cream – I’m currently using Hand Food and Heel Genius both by Soap and Glory.

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Once a week I have also been using this Body Shop Vitamin E Moisturising Mask. I really like that this is just like a thick cream that sits on the skin rather than a clay mask that dries and makes you feel as though you can’t move your face.


Of course, there are the occasional, lazy days when I do reach for the face wipes but on the whole I have been trying to be good and do the coveted ‘double cleanse’ and I have to say my skin is feeling rather good because of it!

What is your bedtime beauty routine? x

Beauty Review – My Boots Beauty Advent Calendar (Days 2 – 11)

I thought it was time for a little update on this year’s advent calendar. If you follow me on Instagram, you will have seen my daily photographs of various beauty goodies.


So far, I have to say I am loving this calendar…so much better than chocolate each morning! Yes, there have been some absolute duds (I’m looking at you Umberto Giannini hairband!) but on the whole I have really liked the products and it is so exciting not knowing what you will get each morning.

Day 2: Balmi

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I am a total convert to this lip balm. I received a lovely spearmint flavour and have used it daily. It is really moisturising and I like the little cube packaging too – I’d definitely buy another one of these.

Day 3: Mavala Nail Varnish in London

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I didn’t really need another red nail varnish but Mavala is a great brand so I’m sure it will be used!

Day 4: Nina Ricci Perfume


Not the best gift but it smells nice enough and is always handy for the handbag

Day 5: Rimmel Stay Matte Foundation


Normally I prefer a glowing, dewy finish to my foundations but this shade is perfect for me so I will give this foundation a whirl.

Day 6: Vichy Idéalia Life Serum


I’ve only used this once but it was pretty good stuff. It applied well and left my skin feeling soft and my pores minimised – a great cream to be used before foundation.

Day 7: Paco Rabanne Perfume


I was a bit disappointed to see another perfume sample if I’m honest and this scent just isn’t for me.

Day 8: Umberto Giannini Hair Band


This was one of the biggest doors (or are they windows?!) on my advent calendar so I was excited to see what was hiding behind it. To say I was disappointed is an understatement. I very rarely wear my hair up but this is just really ugly!

Day 9: Seventeen Nail Varnish in Miami


Another brand I haven’t used since my teenage days but I love this hot pink colour and although I am slightly dubious about the ’10 Day Wear’ claim, I will happily put it to the test!

Day 10: Orly Bonder


This base coat has received rave reviews and it’s another brand I like so I was pleased when I saw this. It claims to be a ‘rubberised basecoat’ which helps the nail varnish adhere to it for longer – always useful to have to hand.

Day 11: Ghost Perfume


Yawn…another perfume sample!

As I said, overall I am pleased with the brands and products I am receiving, especially the nail items, but I think I’m good for perfume samples now!

Beauty Review – October Birchbox

The end is in sight for the end of term! It was my last day with my class today and I just have one training day to get through tomorrow then have 11 days off, a hotel break and lots of time with my family and friends to look forward to. Unfortunately the weather is meant to be pretty miserable so no lovely autumnal walks but I can predict all that walking will be replaced with cooking and baking instead…fun but not so good for the waistline!

This month’s Birchbox seems to be another corker. There seems to be more and more monthly beauty boxes on the market now but for me Birchbox seems to be the best out there in terms of brands and value for money, allowing me to justify this monthly treat.


Here was my first peek at this month’s box which has a ‘Beauty Buzz’ theme, celebrating all those products that everyone seems to be talking about. The Birchbox magazine also seems to have been replaced by a series of postcards, each with a different article, beauty tutorial or product on the back of it.


Right, onto the goodies…


First up is KMS California’s Curl Up Wave Foam Mousse. Being a curly-haired girl, I am always on the lookout for products that tame the frizz without leaving my hair feeling sticky or crunchy. KMS is an amazing hair brand but I have horrible memories of using mousse when I was a teenager which left me with rather fetching wet-look hair! I am hoping this gel-to-mousse product will change my mind about mousse again. I have used this once and am so far impressed and it smells amazing so I will persevere!


Next is Dr Brandt’s Microdermabrasion Skin Exfoliant. This sounds harsher on your skin than it actually is. This is a face scrub to be used a couple of times a week and I really like the fresh, invigorating lemon scent it has.


My least favourite product in this month’s box is these Birchbox eyelash curlers. Priced at £10, they are perfectly functional and do what they are meant to do but I’m sure everyone already owns a pair of these so I think it was a bit of a lazy addition.


A product I have never heard of but am intrigued to try is this Egyptian Magic. I received three sachets of this cult multi-purpose cream, made with all natural ingredients but some rather interesting packaging! This balm is meant to be rubbed in your hands until it turns to a light oil then can be used on the skin or hair to moisturise.


Next is Dr Lipp’s Nipple Balm which believe it or not began life as a nipple cream before someone realised it also worked wonders on your lips. This is like a thick Vaseline and is great for this time of year as the weather gets colder – a perfect size to pop in my handbag.


The make-up item this month was Stainiac by theBalm cosmetics. I love their blushers but had never tried their lip and cheek stains. Obviously, a product like this will always be compared to Benefit’s Benetint but I do like this. It doesn’t have amazing staying power on the lips but as a cheek stain this is a good product.


Finally, I have saved the best until last with Laura Mercier’s Foundation Primer Radiance. If I had a pound for every time a beauty blogger raved about this brand, I would be a very rich girl! Sometimes you wonder what all the fuss is about but I am truly in love with this product. The primer is slightly tinted but applies like a dream and gives you a beautiful dewy base. If you have clear skin then you could get away with wearing this on its own as it blurs any imperfections and leaves your skin looking great but without being too shimmery. Although a little on the pricey side, I will buy this product again when this tube runs out as it is really is fab!


So there you have it for another month – a good range of products this time with some brands I love. I hear there will be another Laura Mercier product in the next Birchbox so I will wait with baited breath!

Beauty Review – August Birchbox

I received this month’s Birchbox a few days after we got back from holiday but am only just getting around to testing out the goodies inside. Here was my first peek:

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For August, Birchbox have teamed up with InStyle magazine to create a collection of products with a ‘Summer Nights’ theme. Although it is grey and overcast here today, I am hoping this Bank Holiday weekend will be warm and we can enjoy a few more balmy evenings in the garden!

First up, a Birchbox Gel Mask. Retailing at £10, this is meant to be kept chilled in the fridge ready to use to reduce puffy eyes. I definitely wouldn’t pay £10 for this but can see myself using it occasionally…it may be the perfect hangover remedy!


Next, an LAQA&Co lip pencil. I have already professed my love for chunky lip crayons and this deep red will be a great addition to my collection! I received the shade ‘Ring of Fire’ and I am really impressed by how pigmented it is and how soft and moisturising it feels on my lips.




One of my favourite inclusions in the Birchbox packages are the moisturisers. Over the past few months I have discovered some absolute gems (Hello Elemental Herbology!) and this month’s offering is the SkinLife Energetic Cellular Cream from Bluemandarines. I haven’t heard of this brand before but it has a lovely fresh scent and is a light and refreshing moisturiser.


Molton Brown is one of my favourite ‘treat’ brands and this Ylang-Ylang Body Wash smells amazing. I like to keep these sample sized bottles for weekends away.


Next is another product from Gerda Spillman. I received their facial serum in the April Birchbox and really liked it so I’m hoping this ‘Hydro Pearls’ Moisture Lotion is just as good. It smells divine and is recommended to be used after moisturiser as a primer before applying foundation. So far, I have found this to be a lovely little product.


This Philip Kingsley Elasticizer has been hailed as a ‘Hair Saviour’ and I know this brand is highly recommended. I love a good hair mask and can’t wait to try this one out.


Finally, a product from Inner Me supplements that I probably would never have thought of buying myself but one that is intriguing. I received a two week trial of ‘Lustrous Locks’ supplements which claim to contain all the vitamins needed for healthy, shiny hair. I try to remember to take my daily vitamins but have never tried any specific beauty ones so I will report back if I have any success with these!

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Overall, I am really impressed with this month’s Birchbox, especially after last month’s slightly disappointing offering. Apart from the eye mask, which I think is a bit of a ‘filler’ product, I will definitely use all of the other items, particularly the lovely lip pencil which has made its way into my make-up bag already!